Helm Chart
kind: helmChart
source | condition | target |
✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
The Helm chart "source" retrieves the latest version of a Helm package.
The Helm chart "condition" tests if a helm chart release exist.
The Helm chart "target" updates a helmchart and bump the chart metadata. It handle AppVersion, incremental version update and requirements.lock. It both works with helm chart located locally or on a git repository. If the helm chart is located locally, then chart name must be an absolute path to the chart.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
appversion | boolean | AppVersion defines if a Chart changes, triggers, or not, a Chart AppVersion update. The value is retrieved from the source input.
| |
file | string | file defines the Helm Chart file to update. the path must be relative to chart root directory the chart name is defined by the parameter “name”
| |
key | string | key defines the yamlpath query used for retrieving value from a YAML document
| |
name | string | name defines the Chart name path like ‘stable/chart’.
| |
password | string | password specifies the container registry password to use for authentication. Not compatible with token
| |
skippackaging | boolean | skippackaging defines if a Chart should be packaged or not.
| |
token | string | token specifies the container registry token to use for authentication.
| |
url | string | url defines the Chart location URL.
| |
username | string | username specifies the container registry username to use for authentication.
| |
value | string | value is the value associated with a yamlpath query.
| |
version | string | version defines the Chart version. It is used by condition to check if a version exists on the registry.
| |
versionfilter | object | versionfilter provides parameters to specify version pattern and its type like ‘regex’, ‘semver’, or just ’latest’.
| |
kind | string | specifies the version kind such as semver, regex, or latest | |
pattern | string | specifies the version pattern according the version kind for semver, it is a semver constraint for regex, it is a regex pattern for time, it is a date format | |
regex | string | specifies the regex pattern, used for regex/semver and regex/time. Output of the first capture group will be used. | |
strict | boolean | strict enforce strict versioning rule. Only used for semantic versioning at this time | |
versionincrement | string | versionIncrement defines if a Chart changes, triggers, or not, a Chart version update, accepted values is a comma separated list of “none,major,minor,patch,auto”.
# updatecli.yaml
name: Example of Helm Chart resources
kind: github
user: "john"
email: "john@example.com"
owner: "olblak"
repository: "charts"
token: "{{ requiredEnv .github.token }}"
username: "john"
branch: "master"
kind: helmchart
url: https://charts.jenkins.io
name: jenkins
name: "Test if the prometheus helm chart is available"
kind: helmchart
url: https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts
name: prometheus
version: "11.16.5"
name: Bump Jenkins Upstream Chart Version
kind: helmchart
name: "charts/jenkins"
file: "requirements.yaml"
key: "dependencies[0].version"
versionincrement: minor
What it says:
Retrieve the version from the Jenkins helm chart repository located on "https://charts.jenkins.io" ⇒ 2.7.1
Then there is an helmchart
condition: "Is the prometheus helm chart version "11.16.5" is available from https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts?
⇒ Yes, proceed, No then abort
Targets If all conditions are met, we bump the Jenkins upstream version into our local one. We remove the requirements.lock if it exists. We bump the chart version using the incremental version (patch,minor,major). Finally we commit our changes and then open a pull request on Github.