
kind: helmfile


The Helmfile crawler looks recursively for all Helmfile manifests from a specific root directory. Then for each of them, it tries to update each Helm Chart version found.



authsobjectAuths provides a map of registry credentials where the key is the registry URL without scheme
ignorearrayIgnore allows to specify rule to ignore “autodiscovery” a specific Helmfile based on a rule
    chartsobjectCharts specifies the list of Helm Chart repository to check
    pathstringPath specifies a Helmfile chart path pattern, the pattern requires to match all of name, not just a subpart of the path.
    repositoriesarrayRepositories specifies the list of Helm Chart repository to check
onlyarrayOnly allows to specify rule to only “autodiscovery” manifest for a specific Helmfile based on a rule
    chartsobjectCharts specifies the list of Helm Chart repository to check
    pathstringPath specifies a Helmfile chart path pattern, the pattern requires to match all of name, not just a subpart of the path.
    repositoriesarrayRepositories specifies the list of Helm Chart repository to check
rootdirstringrootdir defines the root directory used to recursively search for Helmfile manifest

versionfilter provides parameters to specify the version pattern used when generating manifest.

	kind - semver
		versionfilter of kind `semver` uses semantic versioning as version filtering
		pattern accepts one of:
			`patch` - patch only update patch version
			`minor` - minor only update minor version
			`major` - major only update major versions
			`a version constraint` such as `>= 1.0.0`

	kind - regex
		versionfilter of kind `regex` uses regular expression as version filtering
		pattern accepts a valid regular expression

			kind: semver
			pattern: minor

	and its type like regex, semver, or just latest.
    kindstringspecifies the version kind such as semver, regex, or latest
    patternstringspecifies the version pattern according the version kind for semver, it is a semver constraint for regex, it is a regex pattern for time, it is a date format
    regexstringspecifies the regex pattern, used for regex/semver and regex/time. Output of the first capture group will be used.
    strictbooleanstrict enforce strict versioning rule. Only used for semantic versioning at this time
⚠ This table is generated from the Updatecli codebase and may contain inaccurate data. Feel free to report them on github.com/updatecli/updatecli


# updatecli.d/default.yaml
name: Test Helmfile Autodiscovery

    kind: git
      url: https://github.com/olblak/k8s-lab.git
      branch: main
  # scmid is applied to all crawlers
  scmid: default
      # To ignore specific path
      #  # - path: <filepath relative to scm repository>
      #  # - path: chart/*
        - path: helmfile.d/*