updatecli apply

Documentation for the command `updatecli apply`

updatecli apply

apply checks if an update is needed then apply the changes

updatecli apply NAME[:TAG|@DIGEST] [flags]


      --clean                 Remove updatecli working directory like '--clean=true'
      --commit                Record changes to the repository, '--commit=false' (default true)
  -c, --config stringArray    Sets config file or directory. By default, Updatecli looks for a file named 'updatecli.yaml' or a directory named 'updatecli.d'
      --disable-tls           Disable TLS verification like '--disable-tls=true'
  -h, --help                  help for apply
      --push                  Update remote refs '--push=false' (default true)
      --reportAPI string      Set the report API URL where to publish pipeline reports
      --secrets stringArray   Sets Sops secrets file uses for templating
  -v, --values stringArray    Sets values file uses for templating

Options inherited from parent commands

      --debug          Debug Output
      --experimental   Enable Experimental mode


  • updatecli - Updatecli is a declarative dependency manager command line tool